Protecting your Constitutionally guaranteed rights

Civil rights protect the freedom of individuals from undue interference by the government. Civil rights encompasses a wide range of freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Pennsylvania Constitution, as well as statutes and other laws.


Civil rights litigation requires care

Most government agencies have good intentions; however, sometimes they overstep their authority. A government agency might conduct a biased investigation, revoke a person's professional license without following the rules, or take retaliate against someone’s protected free speech. Because of the added legal protections which government agencies and employees enjoy, holding the government accountable requires both knowledge of the law and attention to detail.

If you think that you have been harmed by a government agency which did not follow the rules, call the Mizner Law Firm for a consultation.

Excessive force claims

The vast majority of law enforcement officers are good, honest people who are willing to put themselves in danger to protect their communities. There are a few law enforcement officers, however, who break the rules and use more force than the law allows against citizens. At the Mizner Law Firm, we believe that law enforcement officers who break the rules should be held accountable, both to compensate their victims and to let others know that there are consequences to violating the law. If you or somebody you love has been the victim of excessive force by a law enforcement officer, contact us today for a consultation.



(814) 454-3889

It is our pleasure to review your case free of charge or financial commitment.

A look at our legal work

Every lawsuit is started when the person bringing the lawsuit, the plaintiff, files a complaint. Here are some cases the Mizner Law Firm has handled.

In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.
— Albert Einstein