We understand the tragic loss you and your family have suffered

Our serious injury and death cases include lawsuits for medical mistakes, violations of civil rights, automobile accidents, wrongful death, and many other types of claims and injuries. Regardless of the type of case, we recognize that our clients are looking for more than just compensation for their losses: they are looking for justice. 


we have a medical specialist on staff for you

The Mizner Firm helps accident victims and their families seek just compensation for their extensive losses. Our firm is unique because we employ a certified nurse practitioner, who is involved in every medical case from beginning to end. In addition, we have an established  network of board certified experts who provide unparalleled insights.

Personal injury claims  may involve:

  • Lost Wages & Earning Potential

  • Medical Bills

  • Residual Psychological Trauma

  • Pain & Suffering

  • Lost Quality of Life



(814) 454-3889

It is our pleasure to review your case free of charge or financial commitment.

A look at our legal work

In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.
— Albert Einstein