No man is above the law and no man is below it; Nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it.
— Theodore Roosevelt

Our experienced professionals bring decades of combined legal experience

We believe that extensive knowledge of the law is just the beginning. Whatever the case may require, we will strive for the best possible outcomes for our clients and we will not be out-worked.



John F. Mizner

John Mizner is widely regarded as a leading civil rights and trial lawyer for those who have experienced violations of their civil rights all across Pennsylvania. With over 37 years of legal experience, and representing people in over two hundred and twenty five (225) cases in federal court, Attorney Mizner brings practical and unique advocacy skills that help to win cases and achieve justice.



Joseph P. Caulfield

Attorney Caulfield was given the distinct advantage of being home educated by his parents from elementary school through high school. In addition to receiving rigorous training in critical thinking and writing, the unique educational experience of homeschooling gave him the confidence to do things differently and think outside the box.



Joel D. Shambaugh

Attorney Shambaugh, a Dublin, Ohio native, is a dedicated legal professional with a background in advocacy and diverse legal experiences, including work in prosecution, corporate law, and nonprofit support. Now practicing in Erie with Mizner Law Firm, he serves both transactional clients and those seeking justice for civil rights violations or personal injuries.


Firm Administrator

Melissa J. Mizner, M.S., N.C.C., L.P.C.

Melissa Mizner is the Firm Administrator at the Mizner Law Firm. In this capacity, she is responsible for management of the business operations of the Firm. Prior to working at the Mizner Law Firm, she worked for 10 years at Catholic Charities as a Marriage & Family Counselor.


Certified Nurse Practitioner

Eda M. Burhenn. R.N., M.S.N., C.R.N.P.

Eda Burhenn is a Certified Nurse Practitioner and Mizner Law Firm’s Medical Specialist. Ms. Burhenn is involved from the beginning of every case the Firm handles that involves an injury or other medical issue. Ms. Burhenn’s expert medical knowledge is an invaluable aid to the firm in understanding and successfully handling cases involving these issues.


Paralegal & Notary Public

Kerrie F. Wasiulewski

Kerrie Wasiulewski is a Paralegal and Notary Public at the Mizner Law Firm. Ms. Wasiulewski works closely with all staff at the Mizner Law Firm to provide outstanding service to our clients.